Here at FineFutures we are proud of our team of highly experienced and motivated staff. Below are our Operations and Clinical Team members:
Operations Team

Steve Blount
As the Company Director, I have owned and taken a hands on approach to running my company since 1999. Alongside a strong management team, I ensure that the support we provide is targeted where needed, whilst leaving the team to be effective in their roles.
My main focus, other than steering and developing the company, is on recruitment, remaining actively involved in interviewing each applicant myself whenever possible. This is done to make sure there is consistency, and to ensure that each applicant understands and possesses the values required of them.

Melanie Camm
Registered Manager
My role is to provide efficient, effective and transparent leadership and management of Finefutures Ltd. I oversee and ensure clients receive high quality support that respects their right to live the lives they choose. I manage and oversee the services provided by the company in accordance with legislative requirements, relevant regulations and in line with accepted best practices.

Declan Leek
Quality Assurance Manager
In my role I help ensure our services meet legal and regulatory requirements as well as delivering outstanding support that is consistently monitored, developed and achieved. I am the lead regarding GDPR UK and I take pride in continuously developing Finefutures’ GDPR processes. The most enjoyable part of my role is visiting our clients during my service inspections; it is rewarding to see the personalised support we provide and I really enjoy socialising with our clients.

Giselle Parkin
Quality Assurance Auditor
I visit services to make sure that the individuals we work with have the best quality support we can provide and ensure we are compliant with regulators. When visiting services staff have the opportunity to talk to me about the support they provide. In my job, I enjoy hearing what individuals think about the support they receive.

Kathryn Hanlon
Safeguarding and Complaints Manager
I am a qualified Social Worker responsible for leading on day to day management of safeguarding, compliments and complaints within Finefutures. I ensure thorough investigations and outcomes happen, working alongside commissioner bodies, external agencies, clients and their representatives.

Sara Turrell
Learning and Development Manager
I have supported vulnerable adults and children in my role as a social care practitioner for over 40 years.
My present role of 8 years with Finefutures supports my colleagues to access learning opportunities, achieve sector qualifications and ensure that we keep up to date with the sector changes. This year we work towards every social care practitioner gaining robust knowledge about Autism and Learning Disabilities following the Oliver McGowan report:-
The Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training in Learning Disability and Autism (updated on 21 December 2021)

Rachel Blount
Recruitment Administrator
I have worked in the Care industry since 2005, starting as a domiciliary Care worker, and then as a support worker. I then started working as the Recruitment administrator in 2010. I have used my experience and understanding of the need to follow a thorough process to ensure newly appointed staff have all checks in place prior to starting their employment with us.
I also manage the HR Administrator and Office Receptionist, to ensure they are supported to process systems efficiently for HR and payroll purposes.

Jo Collinson
Locality Manager
I have over 20 years experience in the care setting and have worked for FineFutures since 2014. I help managers to run the services, ensure a high quality home environment for the service user and a good work environment for the staff, as well as supporting operations for the Hospital Avoidance Team.

Rachel Wilby
Locality Manager
My role is to provide effective leadership, direction, guidance and support to the team managers within the company, ensuring that the care and support provided to our clients is of a high quality, follows a person-centred approach and that the operations of the service are maintained to the agreed standard.

Andrea Goodyear
Locality Manager
I have over 20 years experience in supported living services and I joined Fine Futures in 2019. My role is to enable team managers to deliver services which are Safe, Effective, Well-Led and Caring, and to ensure our services are delivering person centred support for all of our clients. I also support team managers and their teams with their individual learning and development, performance and wellbeing. I work closely with all departments of the company on a daily basis to ensure a consistent and effective approach.

Terri Milligan
Locality Manager
Clinical Team
We are proud to have a strong in-house Multidisciplinary Team, comprised of various roles including a Mental Health Nurse, Learning Disability Nurse, Occupational Therapist and Clinical Practitioners. This allows use to provide ongoing clinical support and assessments as well as liaise with the community teams. Each of these roles adds value to the quality of the support that we provide at FineFutures.
We provide behavioural and mental health support to clients to help improve their quality of life. We work alongside staff teams and families to offer support around accessing the community, improving skills and creating a safe home environment. We also provide a variety of training for our staff teams, to assist them with their roles in supported living. As Clinical Practitioners we are qualified PROACT-SCIPr-UK instructors, who focus on positive approaches which help provide an effective framework for working.

Hayley Thompson
Mental Health Nurse

Debbie Hassall
Clinical Practitioner

Claire Curtis
Clinical Practitioner

Lee Southwell
Clinical Practitioner

Grace Dudley
Clinical Practitioner

Kelly Saunders
Clinical Practitioner